Monday, July 27, 2009
Ocoee weekend.
Friday we did it again. This time it most of our paddling gang. We spent all day out there . I finally hit all the eddies in Broken Nose. I was stoked about that. The river was crowed with lots of raft traffic. Friday night others started to roll into camp. We had a fire and good conversation but I was wiped out so went to bed. The popup was nice and cool inside and I slept great. Saturday George, Jim, Robert G., Jay ,Crista and Ed went to the Nanty. Travis Josh and I went back to the Ocoee. Another great day. When we got to Goforth Creek Katie and megan were there with the kids. We played in creek a bit but the boys were hungry so Megan and Katie took them back to camp to eat and nap. While sitting there a snake swan from behind Josh so we hauled our butts out of there. We all were sort of worn out so we got to hell hole and called Megan to come get us. The plan for Sunday was to go to the Hiwassee. But Saturday Megan started to catch a cold and woke up Sunday full blown sick. So we loaded up and came home. Megan slept most the rest of the day. I hope she gets better soon.
It was another great trip to the river. The boys are headed back Thursday for one more weekend before I head back to work. It had been a fantastic summer.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
"O.K. I'm sold."..

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Summer review...part 1
The highlight of this trip to me was the Naval Air museum. I will go back there when we return to Perdido. It was awesome. I will post pics as soon as I can. It really was cool. We missed the Blue Angles by one day. It was so cool seeing the planes from WWII that I have read so much about. If you are ever near Pecola' this is a must. Most days in Florida we just chilled. I did help K.s dad do some things around the house. We all spent a day working. We hung blinds. We didn't mind,we were still on vacation. After a week of seafood and great times Megan and I drove home. It was a really fun time.
Over the next few days and weeks I will try to post more of a summer review.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Crazy things in the mail..
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Its almost summer.
The past couple of weekends I have gone to the Nantahala river. Last week Travis J. and Crista went. It was Crista's first time on a river. I must say she is going to be a great kayaker. I bet she will be on the Ocoee at the end of the season. I just got back from helping a freind of mine teach a class at the Nanty. We had a great time. the weather forcast called for 80% chance of rain and clouds all day. But they were totally wrong. We had clear skies and sun all day. the nantahala is such a fun river. I cant wait to get Crista back on. That will be this coming weeekend. I was going to paddle the Ocoee today but woke up to rain and a chill in the air. All i had to keep warm was my dry top so I came on home. Which is great because I took an hour and half nap. I guess I needed the sleep.
Now that things will slow down I will be able to post more often. Our vegetable garden is doing just fine. We might have tomatoes soon. The flowers we planted are somewhat of a disappointment. It could be all the rain. But I am not complaining about that. Makes for great kayaking.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Where have we been???
This morning we got up and went back to Martins and got a bunch of flowers and filled my truck up with mulch. Its a tough job emptying the truck full of mulch. We put mulch in all our plant beds. Our hands turned black. It took lots of scrubbing to get them clean. Megan put flowers in 4 hanging baskets and all sorts of pretty things in the bed that borders the deck. I think my favorite will be the sunflowers. It should look great when everyting is in full growth. I will have Megan post pictures then. I dont know what we have planned for the rest of the weekend. Its a good thing we got all that done because we will be camping the first three weeks of May. Everyone go out and enjoy this wonderful weather.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Big Water Ocoee
Sunday we drove aropund M'boro the best we could to look at the damage. You see that stuff on TV and movies but that was my first time seeing something like that live. It was very humbling. My prayers go out to all who lost.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Dogwood winter
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Saturdays in spring.
I got home about 5:30. Megan and I grilled hamburger steaks. It was a great evening to top off a great day.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Life is better when camping! (Part 2)
Future Kayakers!
Life is better when camping!
Lori, Anthony, and Cutler's tent with a hinge door!
Travis' Hammock
For the most part, the weather wasn't too bad. We had some rain on Saturday and a down-pour on Monday. We were able to have a fire every night though. It was cold at night, but warmed up most days.
Travis and Jason went to run the ledges of the Tellico on Saturday. Sunday was a beautiful day. We all went to the Tellico. Jason and Travis ran the ledges again. This was the day Travis swam after Baby Falls.
Jason going over Baby Falls
Travis going over Baby Falls
Sunday night we had fried bass, french fries, and hush puppies. It is o good! Lori now knows that this is a staple when she comes camping with us.
Monday we said good-bye to Lori, ANthony, and Cutler. We packed up camp and headed over to camp at the Tellico.
View from our campsite.
View of Bald River Falls
Tuesday Josh met up with Jason and Travis for his first Tellico run. The three of them ran the ledges of the Tellioco.
Josh's 1st Run down Baby Falls
Jason going down Baby Falls again!
Wednesday we packed up and headed home to feed the cats, do laundry, and re-pack for the second part of our spring break!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Sorry it took so long..
I want to give props to my paddling budddy Travis C. without him along I would not have got to paddle as much as we did. He is an awesome paddler and great friend. Hopefully sometime this weekend Megan can post a full trip report with pictures. I will let her do that,shes much better at it than I am. She took some great pictures of me going over the falls.
Later...for now
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Spring Break is almost here..
Sunday, March 8, 2009
The Big South Fork...

Friday, March 6, 2009
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Jason and I took Tully for a walk this morning on the trails in the woods by our house. Tully loved it! He ran far ahead of us and then would run back to make sure we were following him. Then he would take off again. Take a look at some of our pics from the woods.
I always look forward to winter and snow. I am like a kid in the candy store when it snows, but I am ready for Spring. I am ready for the grass to grow and the flowers to bloom. I am ready to see all the baby birds in the backyard. I am ready to start grilling out again. Hopefully, this was the last of snow for awhile.
~ Megan
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Nasty day...
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Flu like and lazy...
Friday, February 20, 2009
Its finally here..
Monday, February 16, 2009
Its been a real long time since I have had a few days to myself. I'm sort of bored today. I go away on the weekends a lot but this is the first time I have been in the house alone. Now I know how Megan feels when I go kayaking all weekend. Hopefully I will be doing that soon. We need alot of rain. It seems like we are back in the drought again. Maybe we will have a wet spring.
Megan will be gone a few days. We went to the grocery and got me bachelor food. Stuff I can cook for just me. Most of you know I love to cook anyway. Tonight its going to be mac and cheese with polish sausage.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
no updates in a few days..
Monday, February 9, 2009
It may not be spring..
Two days in a row...
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Today I am going to add a shelf in the pantry for Megan and then do something outside. Tonight we will build a fire in the pit and watch the stars. Its sort of sad the there is no more football. The pro bowl doesn't count.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Its been a good far.
We got to the truck around 2 or so and headed back to the boro. Megan and I went to dinner and came home and watched some TV before falling asleep. Today we have been getting ready for the Super Bowl. I am lucky to have married a football fan. Megan has been a Steelers fan all her life. she converted me a few years ago(i was a Chiefs fan). Some friends are coming over to watch with us. Hopefully the Steelers will be the victors! Its 66 degrees so im going outside to enjoy it.