Saturday Jim,Don and I paddled the LRC.(little river canyon). Its right outside of Fort Payne AL. Its mostly interstate from here so the drive is not that bad. Jim and I paddled this back in December at a low level. Then it was 750cfs, yesterday it was 2000cfs. And it was a totally different river. Normally it is a class3 river with two class 4s and several 2s. At 2000cfs it was very pushy and very solid 3+s everywhere. Every rapid had holes that were keepers(ASK Jim about those). The first class 4 is called eddy hop. It was not that hard. It required a big ferry across the river. We all ran it with no problems. Next is bottle neck. Not all that tricky but very fast water that requires two must moves. At the level we had yesterday it looked mean. As soon as I stood on the scouting rock my "gut" told me to walk it. I always listen to my gut when on the river. So I walked. Jim ran it. He did great until the last and biggest drop where he got off line by about a foot and went for the ride. The good thing there is a great recovery pool to collect the boater and gear. We found a sunny beach to eat a snack and hear about Dons trip on the Grand Canyon. A couple more hours of hole dodging we made it to the truck. We didn't take pictures today but Don did get video of Jim at bottle neck. When I get it I will post it.
I got home about 5:30. Megan and I grilled hamburger steaks. It was a great evening to top off a great day.
Review: Pyranha 9R II Large
5 years ago
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